Culturefest 2016 Update

24 June 2016

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This is what you can look forward to!

We've been busy, busy getting involved in the organisation of this year's Culturefest. In a break from tradition, the event will be held at St Bartholemew's school in Newbury on Saturday 16th July. It will run from noon until 4pm and you are guaranteed a colourful, exciting and entertaining afternoon, showcasing the diverse nature of the local community.

Do come along and join in the fun.

Only £2 per adult, under 16s go free

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Double Celebration in July! 14/08/2023

Lion Margot Payne presided over her first meeting and one of her first duties was to present a cheque to West Berkshire Homeless charity.

President Margo presents a cheque for £6,125 Erica Gassor from the charity West Berkshire Homeless.
President Margo presents a cheque for £6,125 Erica Gassor from the charity West Berkshire Homeless.
Watership Brass performing at Speen Fete 11th September 2021 20/08/2021

Fancy some fabulous music from Newbury's own Brass Band?
Then come and spend an afternoon at the fete, where you will hear
Watership Brass (The Newbury Town Band)
They will be performing a mixture of good old fashioned brass band music plus modern arrangements of family favourites.
Why not have a cup of tea, a slice of cake, listen and relax!

Fabulous Photoshoot 12/08/2021

3rd prize in Speen Fete Raffle!

Another super raffle prize! 10/08/2021

What a delicious donation. Thank you!
