A New President Takes Over

14 August 2017

Lion President Diana Merchant 2017/2018

Lion Drew completed a successful year as president of the club and handed over the chain of office to Lion Di Merchant at a recent meeting.

Lions Clubs International is celebrating 100 years of service and we have been busy contributing to challenges set to all clubs world-wide .

Health – provision of over 800 Message in a Bottle to individuals, hospitals and carers.
2960 pairs of spectacles have been collected from local opticians this year– these will be graded and given to those needing spectacles in the developing world

Youth – the Club has awarded 4 Gold and 2 Silver Certificates and Badges to young people who have served their local community for a minimum of 100 or 50 hours, within a 12 month period.

Supporting others – the Club continues to provide holidays at a Caravan Park at Selsey Bill for those families most in need of a holiday. Many requests are received from individuals for specific welfare assistance at times of need and these are supported as and when possible. To date in 2017 the Club has spent in excess of £9600 supporting those living locally.

The environment – the Club initiated a scheme for sowing Poppy Seeds as part of the town’s events remembering the First World War. A number of Primary Schools were involved in the planting.

Recognising local achievers – the Club recently honoured the Town’s Civic Manager, Mrs Joyce Lewis, by presenting her with its highest award, a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
Lion Derek Lawrence was also recognised for his long service through Lions to the local community.

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Then come and spend an afternoon at the fete, where you will hear
Watership Brass (The Newbury Town Band)
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Why not have a cup of tea, a slice of cake, listen and relax!

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3rd prize in Speen Fete Raffle!

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What a delicious donation. Thank you!
