
01 March 2016

We respond to requests for help with household items, clothing and equipment and typically involve one-off contributions towards their purchase. Examples include:

  • Food vouchers
  • Stair gates
  • Carpets
  • School uniforms
  • Washing machines

Requests should be made via social workers or health visitors or a West Berkshire Council support team. They should be emailed to welfare@newburylions.org.uk.

We also support appeals for specialised equipment and, where the cost is high, combine with other local clubs to find the funding needed. We have helped to fund specialised wheelchairs and a trike for children and a motability scooter for a local disabled gentleman.

Latest News

Double Celebration in July! 14/08/2023

Lion Margot Payne presided over her first meeting and one of her first duties was to present a cheque to West Berkshire Homeless charity.

President Margo presents a cheque for £6,125 Erica Gassor from the charity West Berkshire Homeless.
President Margo presents a cheque for £6,125 Erica Gassor from the charity West Berkshire Homeless.
Watership Brass performing at Speen Fete 11th September 2021 20/08/2021

Fancy some fabulous music from Newbury's own Brass Band?
Then come and spend an afternoon at the fete, where you will hear
Watership Brass (The Newbury Town Band)
They will be performing a mixture of good old fashioned brass band music plus modern arrangements of family favourites.
Why not have a cup of tea, a slice of cake, listen and relax!

Fabulous Photoshoot 12/08/2021

3rd prize in Speen Fete Raffle!

Another super raffle prize! 10/08/2021

What a delicious donation. Thank you!
