Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917 and is the largest voluntary organisation in the world. Its principal goals are to promote good citizenship, to take an active interest in the community, to serve its needs and to relieve distress.
Helping Our Community
The Lions Club of Newbury has been supporting the local community since it’s formation in 1970. Members are ordinary people like you who get together to help those who may need a bit of extra support from time to time. Organising fund raising activities, acting as stewards at other groups’ events and giving direct service while having fun are just some of the things we do.
Please contact us, if you have a few hours to spare every now and then and would like to help us.
Our Aim
The Lions primary aim is to serve and to help the local community
Latest News
Lion Margot Payne presided over her first meeting and one of her first duties was to present a cheque to West Berkshire Homeless charity.

Fancy some fabulous music from Newbury's own Brass Band?
Then come and spend an afternoon at the fete, where you will hear
Watership Brass (The Newbury Town Band)
They will be performing a mixture of good old fashioned brass band music plus modern arrangements of family favourites.
Why not have a cup of tea, a slice of cake, listen and relax!
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